Friday, July 28, 2017

7 Healthy Eating Tips to Make Your Mother Pregna

7 Healthy Eating Tips to Make Your Mother Pregnant

Healthy and proper diet is very important when pregnant women. Therefore, special dietary nutrition tips for pregnant women and this diet will affect the development and health of mothers and infants in the womb.

7 Healthy Eating Tips to Make Your Mother Pregnant

According to health studies, pregnant women need to add calories up to 300kcal during pregnancy compared to before pregnancy to meet the needs of baby's development in the womb.

Although there may be nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite at the start of pregnancy, it is temporary and the mothers still need to eat healthy food through it.

But there are some expectant mothers who eat more than 300kcal and appetite only without considering the healthy eating factor. While it is advisable to add calories to foods during pregnancy, overexposure during pregnancy may lead to obesity, hypertension and diabetes during pregnancy.

Therefore, it is important that pregnant mothers have the right knowledge about healthy eating.

There are some tips on healthy and proper nutrition during pregnancy

1.A variety of Healthy Food Types

Eat a variety of foods and do not just eat only carbohydrates if they feel hungry. You are not encouraged to eat too much processed foods such as cakes, white bread, biscuits, instant noodles, cakes, noodles, noodles, snacks, chips and so on because they do not contain enough substances. Take a meal with vegetables or fish and Fish like eggs, fish, chicken or meat.

2.Many Vegetables And Recipes

Eat green leafy vegetables such as spinach, spinach, mustard and so on should be eaten regularly to prevent constipation problems as well as help get iron which is very important for pregnant women.

Green leafy vegetables contain folic acid and iron which are important for the process of building red blood cells and avoiding anemia or lack of blood hemoglobin. Bean nuts, black beans, red beans also contain these substances. Folic acid may also prevent spinal bifida or spinal bifida in the baby.

3. Fiber Rich Food

Eat foods rich in fiber like whole wheat bread, oats, brown rice, vegetables, fruits to prevent excessive obesity and also promote bowel movement

4. Need to Take Milk Or Dairy Products

You are also encouraged to take milk or any dairy products such as yoghurt, yoghurt or others to supply the calcium needed for the development of baby bones in the womb. Milk also contains good protein.

RDA levels for calcium per day are 1000mg to 1300mg for pregnant mothers and breastfeeding children. Other sources of calcium are cheese, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, spinach, seafood, anchovies and legumes. Vitamin D intake is also important to ensure that the calcium taken is fully absorbed.

Vitamin D is available by exposing skin to sunlight every morning and also through supplements or foods supplemented with vitamin D such as milk, eggs and fish.

5. Avoid Eating Fruits

Eat lots of fruits like mango, papaya, guava, banana, melon, apples, oranges, oranges, milk melons, pears, grapes, dragon fruit and many different kinds of fruits to your liking.

Fruits are rich in all kinds of vitamins such as vitamin C, B complex, minerals such as magnesium, zinc, potassium and so on. Vitamin C requirements increase during pregnancy for the needs of mothers and infants in the womb.

Eating dried fruits such as raisins, dates, cans, apricots and others are also encouraged. The dates are very good for pregnant women and are encouraged to be taken with milk.

6. High Vitamin A Food

High nutrition with Vitamin A substances such as carrots, sugars, squash, spinach, apricot, mango, papaya and so on is also very important for the development of a healthy baby.

7. Encouraged Take Supplement

Pregnant mothers are also encouraged to take supplements of mutivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and Omega 3 as supplementary nutrients during pregnancy to cater for the lack of essential nutrients in daily diet. But daily healthy eating is extremely important to keep and keep in mind even if you take supplements pills.

It is important to know that pregnant women are in great need of a variety of foods, so do not forget to continue to practice healthy eating even if you are pregnant

Share this article if it benefits you as well as family members or friends who are pregnant.

Healthy and proper diet is very important when pregnant women. Therefore, special dietary nutrition tips for pregnant women and this diet will affect the development and health of mothers and infants in the womb.

7 Healthy Eating Tips to Make Your Mother Pregnant

According to health studies, pregnant women need to add calories up to 300kcal during pregnancy compared to before pregnancy to meet the needs of baby's development in the womb.

Although there may be nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite at the start of pregnancy, it is temporary and the mothers still need to eat healthy food through it.

But there are some expectant mothers who eat more than 300kcal and appetite only without considering the healthy eating factor. While it is advisable to add calories to foods during pregnancy, overexposure during pregnancy may lead to obesity, hypertension and diabetes during pregnancy.

Therefore, it is important that pregnant mothers have the right knowledge about healthy eating.

There are some tips on healthy and proper nutrition during pregnancy

1.A variety of Healthy Food Types

Eat a variety of foods and do not just eat only carbohydrates if they feel hungry. You are not encouraged to eat too much processed foods such as cakes, white bread, biscuits, instant noodles, cakes, noodles, noodles, snacks, chips and so on because they do not contain enough substances. Take a meal with vegetables or fish and Fish like eggs, fish, chicken or meat.

2.Many Vegetables And Recipes

Eat green leafy vegetables such as spinach, spinach, mustard and so on should be eaten regularly to prevent constipation problems as well as help get iron which is very important for pregnant women.

Green leafy vegetables contain folic acid and iron which are important for the process of building red blood cells and avoiding anemia or lack of blood hemoglobin. Bean nuts, black beans, red beans also contain these substances. Folic acid may also prevent spinal bifida or spinal bifida in the baby.

3. Fiber Rich Food

Eat foods rich in fiber like whole wheat bread, oats, brown rice, vegetables, fruits to prevent excessive obesity and also promote bowel movement

4. Need to Take Milk Or Dairy Products

You are also encouraged to take milk or any dairy products such as yoghurt, yoghurt or others to supply the calcium needed for the development of baby bones in the womb. Milk also contains good protein.

RDA levels for calcium per day are 1000mg to 1300mg for pregnant mothers and breastfeeding children. Other sources of calcium are cheese, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, spinach, seafood, anchovies and legumes. Vitamin D intake is also important to ensure that the calcium taken is fully absorbed.

Vitamin D is available by exposing skin to sunlight every morning and also through supplements or foods supplemented with vitamin D such as milk, eggs and fish.

5. Avoid Eating Fruits

Eat lots of fruits like mango, papaya, guava, banana, melon, apples, oranges, oranges, milk melons, pears, grapes, dragon fruit and many different kinds of fruits to your liking.

Fruits are rich in all kinds of vitamins such as vitamin C, B complex, minerals such as magnesium, zinc, potassium and so on. Vitamin C requirements increase during pregnancy for the needs of mothers and infants in the womb.

Eating dried fruits such as raisins, dates, cans, apricots and others are also encouraged. The dates are very good for pregnant women and are encouraged to be taken with milk.

6. High Vitamin A Food

High nutrition with Vitamin A substances such as carrots, sugars, squash, spinach, apricot, mango, papaya and so on is also very important for the development of a healthy baby.

7. Encouraged Take Supplement

Pregnant mothers are also encouraged to take supplements of mutivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin E, and Omega 3 as supplementary nutrients during pregnancy to cater for the lack of essential nutrients in daily diet. But daily healthy eating is extremely important to keep and keep in mind even if you take supplements pills.

It is important to know that pregnant women are in great need of a variety of foods, so do not forget to continue to practice healthy eating even if you are pregnant

Share this article if it benefits you as well as family members or friends who are pregnant.

Simple Tips & Secure Tips Must Be Practiced By Pregnant Women

5 Simple Tips & Secure Tips Must Be Practiced By Pregnant Women

When confirmed pregnancy, women are usually excited and care for themselves and their nutrition. Whatever the tips and tips you get should be tried. But it must be safe!

Besides practicing tips and tips for yourself, pregnant women also love that these tips have a positive impact on the child in the womb and most importantly make him easier to labor.

1. Eliminate nausea

Take a handful of curry leaves, clean and grate it to become a juice. Mix the juice with a lime slag and a teaspoon of sugar. Drink each morning. Insha-Allah will be lost.

2. Clean baby's skin

During pregnancy, practice drinking coconut water so that the baby's skin is clean and smooth and avoid rash problems.

3. Want a bright skinned child

Pregnant women are advised to eat green vegetables especially spinach vegetables if they want bright skinned children.

4. Overcome skin fractures during pregnancy

In order for the skin around your stomach and thighs not to break during pregnancy, rub with olive oil every time after a bath and when to sleep.

5. Easy to give birth

When content is 6 months old, consume one teaspoon of coconut oil made by yourself or just buy Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) at least three times a week. After nine months of age, practice daily intake.

What is important, pregnant women must consistently practice the following tips while maintaining the health of themselves and children in the womb. Do not forget to pray to God too.

Essential nutrients that should be consumed by pregnant women.

 Consumption of healthy foods is a must for pregnant women. In addition to healthy foods, pregnant women are also required to consume some nutritional intake to meet the needs of physical development and intelligence of the baby during the womb.

Therefore, pregnant women are required to ensure the nutritional content of foods consumed beneficial and nutritious. Quoted from Female First, there are some important nutrients that should be consumed by pregnant women. Anything?

Folic acid

Folic acid significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects (NTD), such as spina bifida. Women are recommended to take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily during the pregnancy program and continue during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, as the baby's spine develops.

Sources of folic acid foods include green vegetables, leafy, brown rice, and cereals.

Omega 3 DHA and EPA

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients for health. Not only to maintain the balance of brain function, but also contribute to the development of the baby's brain and eyes.

Researchers have found that babies born to mothers with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids at the time of delivery have a higher life expectancy until the second year of life.

Food sources of omega 3 fatty acids can be found in oily fish such as salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel, sardines, and others with 1-2 servings per week.


In addition to producing blood, iron also maintains the immune system. Iron is the main nutrient for brain development. Pregnant women need extra iron that can be obtained in red meat, dried fruit, nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables.


Proteins are found in every cell of the body, forming skin, muscles, hair, fingernails and all other tissues. They provide structure to the cells and help them function properly, and help cells repair themselves.

During pregnancy, the protein you consume will help your baby grow normally and also make antibodies to their immune system and be able to function oxygen transport through the blood.

In addition, your need for protein increases during pregnancy, therefore multiply protein intake such as meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, milk, peas (peanuts), nuts, seeds, soybeans (including tofu) during pregnancy .


Needed to build baby bones of the baby. Calcium also helps keep blood pressure healthy. If you do not eat enough during pregnancy, then you will lose some of your bone mass to supplement your fetal calcium needs. It increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Calcium-rich foods that should be consumed daily include milk, yogurt, cheese, fortified foods such as dairy alternatives and green vegetables. (Ren)

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The position of sex for Pregnant Women

The position of sex for Pregnant Women

It is not an obstacle for a pregnant mother to do sexual intercourse. But it is important to use the right techniques to avoid harming the contents and the baby in the stomach.

Here's a good position to hold sex when pregnant;

Position lying down

The position lies side by side and faces each other. Pull one foot upwards so that the couple can easily penetrate.

Side Position

The sideways position is behind the couple. This position allows the couple to penetrate the vagina from behind. This position is quite comfortable during pregnancy because it does not cause pressure on the stomach of pregnant women.

Woman on Top

Woman on Top or 'woman position above' is easier to do as pregnant women can control the depth of penetration and 'control' of the movement.

Doggy Style

Doggy Style or 'lady's position on the knees and hands'. Safe position because of no direct pressure on the abdomen even though the stomach has started to grow.

The position of a woman sits in the lap of the spouse, usually done in the middle of pregnancy or further where it does not require much movement. This position can be done when the stomach is not too large. When the abdomen grows up, change position by the way the woman sits in the lap of the partner but does not face each other.

Missionary Position

If you or your spouse still prefer Missionary position or the position of women under, your spouse must adjust to the way the body weight with your hands or knees and be careful not to hit the top of your stomach.

No need to worry about when foreplay may make colostrums (blemish-yellowish liquid) out of putting milk when breasts are stimulated. Reasonable and harmless, though it may seem odd and unpleasant for some couples.


Kedudukan melakukan persetubuhan bagi Ibu Hamil

Tidak menjadi halangan bagi ibu yang sedang hamil untuk melakukan aktiviti persetubuhan. Tetapi perlulah menggunakan teknik yang betul agar tidak membahayakan kandungan dan bayi dalam perut.

Berikut posisi yang baik untuk mengadakan seks ketika hamil;

Posisi berbaring

Posisi berbaring bersampingan dan saling berhadapan dengan pasangan. Tarik satu kaki ke atas agar pasangan boleh dengan mudah melakukan penetrasi.

Posisi Menyamping

Posisi menyamping membelakangi pasangan. Kedudukan ini membolehkan pasangan melakukan penembusan faraj dari belakang. Kedudukan ini cukup  selesa dilakukan selama masa kehamilan kerana tidak menyebabkan tekanan pada perut ibu hamil.

Woman on Top

Woman on Top atau 'posisi wanita di atas' lebih mudah dilakukan kerana ibu hamil dapat mengawal kedalaman penetrasi dan 'memegang kendali' gerakan.

Doggy Style

Doggy Style atau 'kedudukan wanita bersangga pada lutut dan tangan'. Kedudukan yang selamat kerana tidak berlaku tekanan langsung pada perut walaupun perut sudah mula membesar.

Posisi Wanita Duduk di Pangkuan

Posisi wanita duduk di pangkuan pasangan, biasanya dilakukan pada pertengahan kehamilan atau lanjut di mana tidak memerlukan banyak gerakan. Kedudukan ini boleh dilakukan pada saat perut belum terlalu besar. Apabila perut semakin membesar, ganti posisi dengan cara wanita duduk di pangkuan pasangan tapi tidak saling berhadapan.

Kedudukan Missionary

Bila anda atau pasangan tetap lebih menyukai kedudukan Missionary atau kedudukan perempuan di bawah, pasangan anda harus menyesuaikan dengan cara mengampu berat badan dengan tangan atau lutut dan hati-hati jangan sampai menekan bahagian perut anda.

Tak perlu bimbang bila pada masa foreplay mungkin membuat colostrums (cecair kekuning-kuningan berwarna bening) keluar dari putting susu pada saat payudara dirangsang. Wajar dan tidak berbahaya kok, walaupun mungkin hal ini terasa aneh dan tidak menyenangkan bagi beberapa pasangan.

kasih sayang

Lahirkan rasa kasih dalam diri anak-anak melalui sifat ibu bapanya yang penyayang. Cara itu perlu dilatih sebaik anak lahir ke dunia dan merasai deria sentuhan ibu ayahnya.

Ikut saranan yang dikongsikan oleh Datuk Dr Abdul Basit Abdul Rahman, Pensyarah Jabatan Syariah di Kolej Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Ismail Petra dan Mursyif di Pondok Sungai Durian, tentang tempat kawasan tubuh anak yang perlu ibu bapa cium setiap hari. Dalam masa yang sama berikan sentuhan dan gosokan pada 5 lagi tempat pada anggota tubuh anak.

Mengikut saranan doktor Psikologi terhadap ibubapa, terdapat empat ciuman dan beberapa sentuhan yang harus diamalkan terhadap anak-anak. Ianya hendaklah dilakukan setiapa hari, semenjak lahir setiap hari tanpa had waktu dan umur, selagi dia masih menjadi anak kita.
4 Ciuman

1. Pertama di ubun-ubun, sebagai menunjukkan kebanggaan kita terhadapnya (sambil mendoakan agar si anak jadi anak soleh), insya'Allah.

2. Kedua di dahi, ciuman ini menandakan kita redha terhadapnya sebagai dia anak kita. Rasulullah s.a.w pernah mencium anaknya, Fatimah r.anha di dahi beliau.

3. Ketiga di kedua-dua pipi, iaitu sebagai tanda syauq (perasaan sayang dan rindu) kita terhadap si anak.

4. Keempat di tangan anak, tanda mawaddah wa hubb (kasih sayang) sebagaimana Rasulullah s.a.w juga selalu mencium tangan anakandanya Fatimah r.a.

Perhatian: Ciuman dimulut hanya khas untuk isteri sahaja.
5 Sentuhan

1. Mengosok belakang kepala anak, sebagai tanda kasihan belas dan anak akan merasai dikasihani dan terlindung.

2. Menggosok atas kepala atau ubun-ubun, ini untuk menunjukkan kebanggaan kita terhadapnya.

3. Menggosok atas dahi anak, sebagai tanda syauq (perasaan sayang dan rindu) kita terhadap anak.

4. Keempat kedua pipi, juga tanda mawaddah wa hubb (kasih sayang)

5. Memgang kedua tangannya, untuk menenangkan anak ketika nampak perasaannya kacau atau keliru.

Tambahan: Gosok di dada Ketika perlu.

Bila nampak dia menunjukan kecenderungan membuat sesuatu yang tidak baik atau sedang marah, gosoklah dadanya untuk menenangkannya.

Wallahu a'lam.

Sleeping Position A Good Pregnant Mom

Sleeping Position A Good Pregnant Mom Needs to Know From Early

Maternal sleeping position should not be considered a trivial matter. An enlarged fetus can make a mother's sleeping position go awry. Moreover, pregnant women also have difficulty moving to change sleeping position.

The wrong sleeping position in pregnant women can invite various health problems, such as leg swelling, muscle aches, snoring, decreased blood pressure, or even increased blood pressure.

Here is some information about the recommended sleeping position of pregnant women.

1. Avoid Onesight

After entering the second trimester of pregnancy, especially after the fifth month, pregnant women are advised not to sleep in supine position. Pressure in the major blood vessels and inferior vena cava may increase when pregnant women sleep in supine position. This pressure can inhibit blood circulation to the mother's body, including to the fetus.

Deeply inferior vena cava can also trigger swelling of the body or edema. The inferior vena cava is a large underlying vein located behind the lower abdomen. His job is to bring dirty blood from the lower body to the heart.

2. Leaning to the Left

Some experts recommend pregnant women to sleep in a sideways position to the left. It aims to smooth the blood circulation, either toward the heart or into the womb, fetus, and kidney. In addition, the left sideways position makes the abdomen or abdomen more comfortable and does not press the liver organ located on the right side. Left sideways to the left can also reduce swelling of the ankles, feet, and hands. That's because the position helps the kidneys work more freely in cleaning the waste substances and fluids from the body. When the kidneys retain fluids and waste matter, pregnant women may experience edema.

However, some experts say no need to worry about a healthy sleeping position, each pregnant mother is advised to choose a position that feels comfortable.

3. Use a Pillow

Pillows can help make the sleeping position pregnant women feel more comfortable. When pregnant women feel shortness of breath or short breathing, place a pillow under the side of the body to raise the chest position. When pregnant women feel pain in the pit of the liver, place some pillows on the head so that the upper body position becomes higher. Pregnant women can sleep in a half-sitting position to help stomach acid does not rise. Meanwhile, to support the body remains in a sideways position to the left, you can prop it up with a pillow in the abdomen and back. Special pillow pregnant women can also be used to make sleep more comfortable.

It is natural that pregnant women find it difficult to sleep soundly at night because they can experience various disorders, such as frequent waking at night due to frequent urination, feeling short of breath, heart palpitations due to increased heart rate, back pain and leg cramps, and constipation, And pain in the pit of the stomach. In addition, stress can also make pregnant women difficult to sleep. To help the quality of sleep at night, the following steps may be helpful. 

  • Build a sleep and wake routine at the same time each day. 
  • Avoid doing strenuous exercise when approaching bedtime. 
  • Relax before bed, like drinking warm milk mixed with honey. 
  • Avoid drinking tea, coffee, or soft drinks because they generally contain caffeine. 
  • Follow pregnancy exercise regularly
  • In addition to making the body more fit, meeting with fellow pregnant women can be a chance to share stories and reduce anxiety.
  •  experiencing cramps in the legs to be awakened from sleep, try to legs to the wall and press hard to reduce cramps
In addition to pay attention to a comfortable maternity sleep position, make sure the calcium needs are sufficient to reduce cramps in the legs. In addition, various other important nutrients that can be obtained from vegetables, fruits, and milk also need to be consumed in a balanced manner. Routine pregnancy checks in obstetricians are also needed to monitor the health condition of the mother and fetus. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Unprofitable Fruits Pregnant Women

Not only from the type of food alone, but there are various types of fruit that should not be consumed because it is considered harmful to pregnant women. The fruit is as follows:


In the medical world, it is not recommended durian to eat for pregnant women. Durian contains lots of alcohol. If too much alcohol enters the body of a pregnant woman, the stomach becomes hot. As a result the fetus will experience a miscarriage.


Jackfruit is a fruit that has a fragrant and colorful scent. But who would have thought if behind the delights and fragrance of pineapple contains high alcohol. Same with durian, if consumed excessively. The amount of alcohol that enters the stomach can cause pregnant women to miscarry.


The sour taste of pineapple may make young pregnant women want to feel the taste of this one fruit. But the medical says that eating pineapple during pregnancy is not allowed, let alone a young pineapple. The following causes pineapples should not be consumed:

Pineapple contains a substance called bromelain. This substance makes the cervix becomes soft so it can not accommodate the growing fetus growing longer. As a result pregnant women will experience a miscarriage due to the cervix soft.Nanas contain alcohol that causes a feeling of heat in the stomach.Nanas have itching, if pregnant women consume it makes pregnant women's stomach feels itchy.Pepaya Muda

Papaya may be consumed by pregnant women for digestion. What should not be consumed is the raw papaya and also the semi-cooked papaya. Pregnant women should not eat papaya vegetables. The cause is :

Sap on young papaya make pregnant women will experience contraction so that baby will born prematur.Getah papaya make itching at pregnant mother and also janin.Getah papaya make placenta become sticky like vegetable nangka.Buah yang di?

Besides the canned fruit is not fresh, the fruit contains many artificial preservatives.

Unwashed Fruits

We know that in plantations, many farmers use pesticides to secrete pests. If the fruit is not washed, other than containing germs and bacteria, pesticides attached to the fruit will be consumed. If that happens, it will be very dangerous for pregnant women and the fetus it contains.


Who does not like wine, it is sweet and fresh to make anyone like this fruit. But for pregnant women, this fruit becomes abstinence. The reasons are as follows:

Grapes have a lot of sugar content that causes the fetus is exposed to the danger of obesity for pregnant women. Sugar content in wine is easy to be fermented, fermentation is not good for pregnant women consumed because it contains alcohol.Acohol in wine will cause the temperature in the womb to rise sharply, The stomach becomes hot and the fetus can not survive.Cempedak

Cempedak has a jackfruit-like shape. This fruit is now a rare fruit. Pregnant women should not consume this fruit because it can cause early contractions.

Kepel Fruit

The fruit of this kepel outer form like sapodilla and kiwi. This fruit has a sweet smell and soft fruit texture. It's also sweet. For mothers who are pregnant should not consume the fruit because it will cause excessive whiteness. Pregnant women will experience vaginal discharge, therefore do not aggravate the condition by eating the fruit kepelihannya keputihannya not excessive.

Well that's a list of fruits that should not be consumed. Although the fruit contains many vitamins, pregnant women should look for fruit other than the above list. There are still many fruits worth consuming pregnant women, other than that pregnant women should also avoid various dietary restrictions pregnant women.

The best food for pregnant women

The best food for pregnant women.

Pregnancy is the moment the couple is waiting for. Good and quality food contributes to the perfect formation of the fetus. This is because certain nutritional foods will help in the development of the fetus still in the womb.

Here are the best foods for mothers during pregnancy:


Apparently like a human brain is believed to be very good in the development of the baby's brain. Generally, know that in walnuts contains fat, but do not worry because this fat is good fat and protein content in walnuts is also very high, so for mothers who do not like to eat eggs or fish, can take walnuts instead and get the same nutrients as Eat fish or eggs.

2. Pomegranate

There are lots of excellent nutrients in pomegranate for pregnant women. High levels of antioxidants in the pomegranate can protect the baby's brain during birth. In a study by Pediatric Research states that only drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy, it helps to protect the newborn's brain. In addition, the pomegranate is the best fruit to eat because it is rich in high folic acid content that prevents the defect of nerve tubes causing damage to the spinal cord and cleft palate in the baby.

3. date

Fruit dates have a variety of nutrients, especially for pregnant women because there is a lot of vitamin and mineral content in this fruit that is sure to maintain health during pregnancy. Among the benefits available to pregnant women by eating dates is to increase the energy of pregnant women in daily activities. 

Potassium content in dates can increase stimulation in nerves, even eating dates can improve brain intelligence and improve memory. In addition, sugar content in dates can not only be used as an energy enhancer but can also cope with anemia (less blood) problems. Fruit dates are also said to treat constipation.

4. Honey

Honey is a food that contains substances especially fructose, glucose, and other types of sugar, and honey provides a lot of nutrients and benefits to health. Increases energy for self-esteem during pregnancy and when faced with the birth of an eye. Preventing from various diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, dirty urine, cold cough, tired and others. Reduces nausea during pregnancy. Increase appetite for pregnant women. 

Preventing from a variety of diseases because antibiotic content in honey can kill germs. The content of minerals in honey can help build and strengthen the fetus. And it helps specifically fetal and mental growth. Even Hepatitis B disease that commonly invades the baby can be avoided by the practice of honey by pregnant mothers.


Goat milk is a sunnah drink that has many properties in it. It is very good to be practiced by us especially pregnant women. Goat milk contains very high calcium. By practicing goat's milk, pregnant mothers get more calcium supplements as well as encouraging enough calcium to provide for the baby and avoid the cramping problem of the woman herself. In addition, goat's milk can produce beautiful baby's skin.

 Surely all pregnant women like to see clean and beautiful babies and are free from various diseases. Practice drinking goat milk early in pregnancy can help the baby far from the risk of skin diseases.

How to get pregnant soon

Understand How Pregnancy Works

For pregnant, we need to know and there is little knowledge of how pregnancy can occur. Every 14 days from the first day of the next period, ovaries will produce an egg called ovum. This egg is known as ovulation process. It is known that eggs can only survive Only 24 hours in women's body. The day is a fertile day or a woman's fertile day. If on a fertile day a woman has sexual intercourse, the sperm released into the vagina will swim into the uterus and will find the egg in the fallopian tubes. If the sperm is successful Penetrating ovum, fertilization will occur. The fertilized egg will undergo implantation and take on pregnancy.

2. Get Ideal Weight Loss

Obesity or weight loss too much will interfere with fertility. Likewise, if it's too skinny. Controlling weight and maintaining an ideal weight will make pregnancy easier and increase fertility. Sixth and make sure your BMI (Body Mass Index) between 20-24 shows the best weight.

3. Get Doctor's Advice

To increase the chances of getting pregnant, make sure the health condition of the husband and wife is at optimum level. If uncertain, see the doctor for the examination. Cysts, fibroids and other infertility problems will affect the difficulty of pregnancy. These problems often occur in women . If it is checked and detected early, appropriate and effective treatment can be performed. If the menstrual cycle is normal and orderly, and the probation for pregnancy has been performed for almost a year, you may be able to try sperm analysis and HSG (hysteros-salphingography) tests to ensure The fallopian tube is in normal condition and is not clogged.

4. Take multivitamins

It often happens in the community if it is not pregnant or difficult to conceive, but the only woman who is blamed. It should be noted that the cause of difficult pregnancy is also coming from the problem of the husband. However, all the problems must have the medicine. Similarly, the problem of fertility among spouses.

For those who plan to get pregnant, you need to take vitamins daily essential for health such as folic acid contained in vitamin B-Complex (helps multiply sperm, produce normal sperm), zinc complex (produce healthy sperm, improve sperm, help maintain Amount and concentration of semen, produce healthy sperm, improve sperm shape, help maintain amount and concentration of semen)

5. Know the Fertile Time

Knowing exactly the day you are fertile, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Record your BBT (Base Body Temperature) and try to observe ovulation signs such as smoother cervical mucus and stomach indigestion in the middle of the month. It is therefore very important for a woman to know the function Fertile days or fertile days, and fertility factors if you want to get pregnant. To know your fertile time, you can calculate it manually or use the Ovulation Test Kit.

6. Increase the Fertility of the Husband

To be pregnant, the responsibility is not just about the wife. We also need to take care of health and practice healthy lifestyle, eat balanced diet, and not smoking, avoid alcohol and exercise. This is to ensure the reproductive level of the husband is optimal. If the husband experiences ejaculation Pre-mature every time you have sexual intercourse, you may need to consult the specialist doctor.

7. Sex Relations Frequently At Fertile Time

As I have stated in this post, there is no accurate fact that states the amount of sexual intake needed to conceive. However, intimately interacting often especially in the fertile period of women, will increase the chances of getting pregnant. Sexual relationships if not on fertile days are also important to ensure The sperm of the husband is constantly being released and promoting new sperm production. The exact position or position of sex is also very important to improve pregnancy. Proper sexuality is important to ensure optimal penetration where sperm is released closest to the cervix. To ensure sperm can swim well head to Ovum, make sure the small cushion is placed on the hips of the womb and let the penis inside the vagina for 15 minutes after the ejaculation occurs.

8. Exercise

Exercising a healthy and proper way will ensure your body is at an optimal level. Exercise will also prepare the body to deal with stress during pregnancy and during delivery.

9. Adopt Balanced Food

Balanced food intake is very important and should not be taken easily. It is very important to ensure the efficacy and essential substances absorbed by the body. For those with fertility problems like ovulation problems, it is related to PCOS (POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME) which is one of the most difficult pregnancies. PCOS also said the problem does not respond to insulin, which will further enhance ovulation problems. However, by just getting a balanced diet and controlling a healthy diet, women with PCOS can get back to regular periods and can be well-mannered.