Not only from the type of food alone, but there are various types of fruit that should not be consumed because it is considered harmful to pregnant women. The fruit is as follows:
In the medical world, it is not recommended durian to eat for pregnant women. Durian contains lots of alcohol. If too much alcohol enters the body of a pregnant woman, the stomach becomes hot. As a result the fetus will experience a miscarriage.
Jackfruit is a fruit that has a fragrant and colorful scent. But who would have thought if behind the delights and fragrance of pineapple contains high alcohol. Same with durian, if consumed excessively. The amount of alcohol that enters the stomach can cause pregnant women to miscarry.
The sour taste of pineapple may make young pregnant women want to feel the taste of this one fruit. But the medical says that eating pineapple during pregnancy is not allowed, let alone a young pineapple. The following causes pineapples should not be consumed:
Pineapple contains a substance called bromelain. This substance makes the cervix becomes soft so it can not accommodate the growing fetus growing longer. As a result pregnant women will experience a miscarriage due to the cervix soft.Nanas contain alcohol that causes a feeling of heat in the stomach.Nanas have itching, if pregnant women consume it makes pregnant women's stomach feels itchy.Pepaya Muda
Papaya may be consumed by pregnant women for digestion. What should not be consumed is the raw papaya and also the semi-cooked papaya. Pregnant women should not eat papaya vegetables. The cause is :
Sap on young papaya make pregnant women will experience contraction so that baby will born prematur.Getah papaya make itching at pregnant mother and also janin.Getah papaya make placenta become sticky like vegetable nangka.Buah yang di?
Besides the canned fruit is not fresh, the fruit contains many artificial preservatives.
Unwashed Fruits
We know that in plantations, many farmers use pesticides to secrete pests. If the fruit is not washed, other than containing germs and bacteria, pesticides attached to the fruit will be consumed. If that happens, it will be very dangerous for pregnant women and the fetus it contains.
Who does not like wine, it is sweet and fresh to make anyone like this fruit. But for pregnant women, this fruit becomes abstinence. The reasons are as follows:
Grapes have a lot of sugar content that causes the fetus is exposed to the danger of obesity for pregnant women. Sugar content in wine is easy to be fermented, fermentation is not good for pregnant women consumed because it contains alcohol.Acohol in wine will cause the temperature in the womb to rise sharply, The stomach becomes hot and the fetus can not survive.Cempedak
Cempedak has a jackfruit-like shape. This fruit is now a rare fruit. Pregnant women should not consume this fruit because it can cause early contractions.
Kepel Fruit
The fruit of this kepel outer form like sapodilla and kiwi. This fruit has a sweet smell and soft fruit texture. It's also sweet. For mothers who are pregnant should not consume the fruit because it will cause excessive whiteness. Pregnant women will experience vaginal discharge, therefore do not aggravate the condition by eating the fruit kepelihannya keputihannya not excessive.
Well that's a list of fruits that should not be consumed. Although the fruit contains many vitamins, pregnant women should look for fruit other than the above list. There are still many fruits worth consuming pregnant women, other than that pregnant women should also avoid various dietary restrictions pregnant women.
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